So? How has the challenge been going for you thus far? I have to tell you that I have probably fought more obstacles since I started this "40 Day Challenge" post, than I have in awhile. Granted my obstacles are nothing too big or cumbersome as many of you may be facing. My biggest obstacle at present is lack of time and not using the time I do have wisely. With this new time change, I will think it is just 8 p.m. and will look at the clock and it's 10 p.m. instead....then I stuggle to get out of bed in the morning....thank God for a husband that brings my coffee to my bedside! O.K., so enough rambling about nothing.....
Probably the people that know me best are my family and my co-workers....I would love to say that I am not a complainer but if I had to put a dollar in a jar for every time I complain throughout my day, I could probably eat at Ruth Chris Steak House by the end of the week. This should not be is expected of an unbeliever to complain but a believer....we have every reason to praise God! No, we are not immune to trials and circumstances but we have a hope that is beyond anything this old world can offer. Also, all we need do is look at the person next to us and we can almost always find someone with more strife than we have.
So here is the remedy the next time you (or I) are tempted to complain....turn your complaint to praise....I've sited some of my own personal examples below:
I have no will power to lose weight.............Praise God I have an appetite! (Especially when I think of a young boy named Hayden that doesn't have an appetite or is afraid to eat for fear of nausea)
I wish I had more time to do what I want to do.....Praise God I have a job and am able to do what I do (it's not about me, it's about Him....that is so hard to grasp at times).
I wish I had the resources to redo my floors.....Praise God I have floors, and A/C, and heat, and running water, and light, etc....) the Hondurans my home would be a mansion.....
The list could go on and on but I'll stop here because I am sure you get the gest of it....'s scripture reading is:
Phillipians 2:14
Hebrews 13:15
Go forth and flesh it out!
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