Friday, March 4, 2011

40 Day Challenge....Day 5, "Put off" pride, "Put on" Humility

Scripture reading for today:  Proverbs 16:5, James 4:6

I will attempt to make this post brief....I'm tired, it's been a crazy week but much has been accomplished. In honor of spending time with my man, I am not going to post over the weekend.  I wish I could say that I've mastered all the "put on's" so far this week, but I'm still working on the "put off's".  I've struggled on several much so that I've questioned why I'm even blogging about the "put on's" - then I'm reminded that I am a flawed being with hope and I am a continous work that won't be completed this side of heaven.  The "Put on-Put off" for today speaks for itself.  I used to "pride" myself in not being "prideful" (I know....that statement alone is full of pride).  I thought because I never complained or didn't boast, that I was humble.  My view of this changed when I heard Christian author/speaker Beth Moore say, "Pride is not just thinking too highly of yourself, but also thinking too lowly of yourself".  I have dealt with insecurities most of my life, many of them self-imposed...I have thrown huge pity party's and wallowed in things not  going as planned.  The focus (or over focus) was on me!  (There goes that "self" thing again).  Not sure if anyone else can relate to this....if not, I covet your prayers....

   So?  How can we be humble today?  Let's "flesh it out".....

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