Presently, I'm reading a book that I had read years ago and found again recently. It seems to be perfect for this season of my life. The book is titled, "Who holds the Key to your Heart" by Lysa Terkeurst. Throughout the book, Lysa describes different ways that Satan attempts to defeat us and how Christ counteracts each of Satan's attacks and brings victory. The chapter I read this morning is titled, "Discontentment is Satan's Distraction; Patience is God's reply". Throughout the book the author poses a question and encourages the reader to journal. So here was today's journal question:
"Is this your greatest day ever?"
Let that question sink in....I mean really ponder it. At first I didn't get it....then as I read the remainder of the chapter, it hit me. Read on and you'll see what I mean:
If you had no children and then suddenly today you were blessed with toys to organize, bedtime stories to tell, and little messy hands to wipe, wouldn't it be your greatest day ever?
If you were paralyzed and then today you suddenly could climb the stairs, run after a toddler, jump up and down cheering for your teen, wouldn't it be your greatest day ever?
If you had no husband, and then today God gave you a man to do laundry for, help fold his collar over his tie, cook his favorite meal, and wrap your arms around as you fell asleep, wouldn't this be your greatest day ever?
If you had no home, then suddenly you were blessed with dishes to wash, beds to make, weeds to pull, and floors to sweep, wouldn't this be your greatest day ever?
If you had no friends and then today you had one who wanted your advice, another who wanted to come over and visit, and another who just wanted to share a funny story with you, wouldn't this be your greatest day ever?
If you had no sight, then suddenly today you were blessed with a blue sky to gaze up at, a child's smile to catch a glimpse of, and a beautiful flower to admire, wouldn't this be your greatest day ever?
If you had no Savior, then suddenly today you learned of the One who died in your place so that you could be forgiven, healed, and set free, wouldn't this be your greatest day ever?
Psalm 118:24 says, "This is the day the Lord has made;let us rejoice and be glad in it".
Lord, I just praise you! This is the greatest day ever! I have my health, I have a home (with A/C!), I have healthy children and a husband that loves me despite my many flaws. I had a godly mother and grandmother, I have a job to go to, a car to drive, a church family, pastor's that preach truth, siblings that I love, food on the table, clothes on my back....but most of all God, I have the mercy and grace that you bestowed on me when you gave your Son to die on the cross for my sins....thank you for taking me out of the darkness and bringing me into your marvelous light. In Christ's name I pray, Amen!
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