Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Meet the NOGS....

This group of women have blessed my heart over the past 8 weeks as we've met every Monday night to study the word of God together and work through a bible study by author, Kelly Minter, called, "No other gods". (In case you are wondering NOG stands for "no other gods"). The women that make up the group are unique and dear to me. We have young and we have older (I refuse to say the word "old", I'm just not there yet). We have three different churches represented and we have some that are fairly new in their walk with the Lord and some that are seasoned in their walk with the Lord. BUT....the one common denominator we shared is a hunger to learn more about God and a desire to draw closer to Him. These women were not "hand picked", I posted on facebook about 12 weeks ago requesting that anyone interested in committing to a weekly Bible study to contact me and these are the 5 women that stepped forward.
Last night was bittersweet as we had our last night of study. We left determined to stay close to one another and to remain steadfast in our walk with God. Please be in prayer! I am taking a 4 week break which will allow me to rest and pray about what God wants me to do next. I am asking God to bring 5 more committed women from all walks of life. I never want this time of fellowship to be "just another study", but I want us to walk away living what we've learned.
Once again, I just want to praise God for the opportunity to study His Word with such an awesome group of women!


Anonymous said...

You are so amazing Mrs. Sue!!! Can't wait to see what God has in store for each of us NOGS!!! I love you!!!

Barbara said...

I love it Sue...you are so walking where God has called you.....Isn't it amazing..........His amazing grace and love.

Love you girll!

Creations By Cindy said...

How awesome that God would bring so many of you together to study His Word. What a blessing this post has been! And speaking of posts! You are way behind! Be blessed. Cindy

Dina Staggs said...

I'm so happy for you guys *HUGS* Love you Aunt Sue *HUGS*

martha stewart impersonator said...

I am so proud of you. You are THE most humble and gracious woman to ever come into my life and i can't say it enough. I am so proud of you and the girls too.
I want to be in the next group if you aren't already booked.
I love ya much!
Donna frances