Saturday, January 9, 2010


I have not blogged in forever....namely because I've had very little to say (If you believe that I've got some land I'll sale you real cheap in Alapaha, Georgia!) The truth is, I've had plenty to say, but God has allowed me to keep my big trap shut. Over the past several months, a word has echoed over and over in my mind....DISCIPLINE! What has echoed even more, is my lack of....DISCIPLINE! Over the past 6 months my life has been in complete chaos and I'm not even sure why. God has blessed me and my family with good health, jobs, needs met, a new son-in-law (and the most awesome family that he belongs to)...but yet,there has been chaos. The chaos has mostly been occurring IN me, not so much around me. Everything in my life has been undisciplined and it started with my lack of discipline in reading God's Word, talking to Him daily, and church attendance. I don't want to get legalistic here...but I know me...when I'm not completely sold out and plugged into the things of God first, everything else goes to following suit, the rest of my life has been undisciplined as, eating habits, exercise, finances, care of my home...the list is endless. So, here I am...not boasting but with the intentions of putting God first, and everything else is extra!


Bill said...

My heart leapt when I read your heart this morning, Sue. I know that Jesus' did as well. I so relate. Discipline is a daily cross huh? God told me years ago, "If you have to fit Me in, you have already sqeezed Me out". I am with you on the quest for vitue and discipline. God bless your candor:)

debseveryday said...

great to see you posting again Sue...just know that you aren't in that boat alone...I know that I have so many areas in my life that need disciple...many of the same ones you listed...thanks for checking on the kids and checking on me too...I love you!

Barb said...

I can definitely relate Sue. DISCIPLINE is so key is every area of our lives and it takes discipline to HAVE discipline! Once you're out of balance in one area, it's like a landslide begins in every other area of your life. I most certainly know. Sure do love you and am glad you posted.

AngelRhoden said...

So glad to see you posting. I always look forward to reading your thoughts. Funny, this time they are running right alongside mine!

Barbara said...

I am right there with you word this year is FOCUS...I sometimes feel I am just floating...and with all I learned at the conference...I want, instead, to be "making a big deal out of God".......we must get together soon.

LisaShaw said...

Hey Sis, I'm praying for you. Would love to get together in God's timing. Stay encouraged in HIM.