Monday, July 9, 2012

They'll do until we have grandchildren....

Meet Humphrey (left) and Harpo (right).  If you had told me 10 years ago that we would have dogs living in our home, I would have emphatically yelled, "NEVER".  I grew up in a home where a dog's place was in the yard and a dog's food was table scraps.  You will do alot of things for your kids (and I hear even more for your grandkids).  Both of these guys came into our lives unwanted (by us anyway).  Our son adopted the first one, Harpo,  when he was in middle school....he seemed responsible enought but shortly after, I learned why you should pray over all things and that even includes whether you should allow your child to have a pet or not.  Then the second little guy came to our home in November of 2011.  Our son, Seann, had just moved out and unbeknowing to us had been visiting him daily at the local animal shelter for a month.  He adopted him and within a few weeks of adoption, my son accepted a job out of the county.  "They don't allow pets where I'm moving to", he stated.  "Of course they don't", I thought to myself.  It was not long after this that we saw how much joy the younger dog brought to the older.  It wasn't long before we were smitten.  Our son has since moved home and tonight as he asked if he could take Humphrey to spend the night, we found ourself giving advice like well meaning grandparents would, "Don't let him go near the road", "Don't feed him more than a 1/2 cup", "take him out often", "see that he has plenty of water".....Lord help us, we need grandchildren.

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