Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Every now in then I get in this place. This place where I am overwhelmed with life. I know that this too will pass and it is nothing in the grand scheme of things but yet I am overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with my failures and shortcomings as wife, mother, sister, aunt, friend....Can I whine for just a minutes please? Mike has been off most of August and the entire month of September. Me, being the dreamer, sentimentalist, and romantic that I am, envisioned the two of us having all of this time together. However, the opposite has been true. I have been busier than ever these past two months. I have waited for years to have an opportunity to teach a particular subject at the's September...I whined the whole months of June and July because I did not have any ultrasounds to do at the pregnancy center. I've had an overabundance of them.... in September. My sweet husband could tell I was getting anxious yesterday (something that is typically out of character for me)....He was reading a book and presented a section to me about anxiety. I looked at him and told him, "The only thing that makes me feel anxious, is that you may not feel like you got the attention you deserved while you were off these past two months." He reassured me that this was not the case. So, yes, I am overwhelmed right now....but not with the right things....I should be overwhelmed daily at how much my Savior loves and provides for me and my family. To my two blogger sisters who I adore, all I can do is ask you to pray for me....

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