Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How marvelous.....

I marvel at the fact that God can use those things we choose outside His will to teach us. I marvel at the fact that we are constantly growing in our knowledge of Christ and never a "finished product" this side of heaven. I marvel at the fact that God cares about the little things....those things that doesn't matter to my children, husband, neighbor, co-worker...but He knows that it matters to me! I marvel that God hears our prayers and answers them in His time and in His way! I marvel that I can count on God to always love me, when the rest of the world doesn't. Today, in the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav, I marvel that my prayer and the prayers of the rest of His people matter and that the people of New Orleans were spared.

1 comment:

Barb said...

I MARVEL right along with you my friend! The mercy of God endures and we are grateful for that wonderful mercy. God....God....God....He is everything to us....everything. His name is the ONLY word that counts for anything......GOD. Don't you love the sound of that word?