Thursday, July 17, 2008

Apples to Apples.....

I will try to convey the meaning of this picture best I can....last week we were on a vacation @ the beach, our immediate family and my niece Janice with her 9 year old son Nolan. We were playing a game called "Apples to Apples"....Each player is dealt a hand of 7 red cards that may describe a person, place, thing, or event....Then a green card is placed in the middle by the judge (each person has turn being judge and the players are to appeal to the judge as much as possible), once the green card is placed down, the players with the red cards are supposed to pick a card that best fits the descriptive word on the green card....(Are you with me so far?) Anyway, it was my turn to be judge and my 9 year old great nephew was confused and thought it was my 20 year old son's turn. Nolan knows that my son, Seann, adores his grandmother....I put the green card down and the word was "sensual", when it came time for me to judge and I picked up the red cards, I almost fell off of my chair from laughter, Nolan had placed a card that read "going to grandma's" as his description of sensual (again, thinking he was appealing to my son as judge instead of me)....he may not have known what the word "sensual" meant but he knew how to appeal to a judge!

1 comment:

debseveryday said...

I love this post! I'd probably do the same thing as Nolan!